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موقع علمي ( تحت الانجاز) يهتم بنشر تقافة البحوث العلمية ومساعدة الباحثين

السيرة الداتية


2- الدرجة العلمية (الاكاديمية)

بكالوريس محاسبة – كلية الاقتصاد جامعة قاريونس – بنغازي



لإجازة العالية (الماجستير) في المحاسبة -  كلية الاقتصاد جامعة قاريونس


الإجازة العالية (الماجستير)

الإجارة الدقيقة (الدكتورة) في مجال تقييم اداء المصارف - كلية التجارة والقانون - جامعة ليفربول جون مورس -  ليفربول – المملكة المتحدة


الإجارة الدقيقة (الدكتورة)


8-الابحاث والاوراق العلمية

Gumma Fakhri, Karim Menacere, and Roger Pegum, “Organizational Specificities That Affect The Use Of Corporate Performance Measurements Process In The Banking Sector”. The Journal of Performance Management, Volume 23, Number 3, 2011 that publish by the Association for Management Information in Financial Service. ( Journal paper).


Gumma Fakhri, Karim Menacere, and Roger Pegum, (May 2009), The Impact of Contingent Factors on the Use of Performance Measurement System in the Banking Industry: The Case of Libya. Salford Postgraduate Annual Research Conference (SPARC), Salford, UK. May 2009. (Conference paper)


Gumma Fakhri, Roger Pegum, and Karim Menacere, (June 2010), An examination of the impact that the Characteristics of Banking Sector have on the Use of Performance Measurements: Libyan Evidence. Salford Postgraduate Annual Research Conference (SPARC), Salford, UK. June 2010. (Conference paper).


Gumma Fakhri, The Analysis of The Factors Affecting Performance Measurement in Libyan Banking Industry: Contingency Approach, Doctor of Philosophy of Faculty of Business and Law at Liverpool John Moores University. British Library, London, Dec. 2010. (Published Doctoral Dissertation).


Gumma Fakhri, Roger Pegum, and Karim Menacere, the impact of contingent factors on the use of performance measurement system in the banking industry: the case of Libya. The Journal of Computational Optimization in Economies and Finance. This paper has been selected to be published from participations of The 3`d international Conference on Accounting and Finance, Skiathos Island, Greece August 26-27,2010. (Journal Paper accepted for publishing).


9- مشاركة في المؤتمرات والندوات العلمية

ESRC Seminar Series "Advancing Research in the Business and Management Field” on Business School at Northumbria University on 11th July 2008.


Student Research Conference 13th June 2008 at Liverpool John Moores University.


Northern Advanced Research Training Initiative (NARTI) 4th Annual Doctoral Colloquium 16th & 17th July 2008 Durham Business School.


The 3rd Graduate Conference on Social Sciences and Management, Bradford University (8/9th October 2009).


The ISBE 2009 Conference November 2009 in Liverpool.


The Salford Postgraduate Annual Research Conference (SPARC) 2010, Salford University, 10th and 11th June.2010


The 3rd Annual Doctoral Conference held by Liverpool business school at LJMU on 22nd June 2010.


The 3rd international Conference on Accounting and Finance, Skiathos Island, Greece, August 26-27, 2010.


The Salford Postgraduate Annual Research Conference 7-8 May 2009.


The Postgraduate Researchers in Education Conference (PRIE) at Liverpool John Moores University, 27th June 2009.


The PhD Experience Conference at the University of Hull 17th  18th November 2008.


The 2nd Annual BLW Research Student Conference 20th May 2009 at Liverpool John Moores University.


Northern Advanced Research Training Initiative (NARTI), 5th Annual Doctoral Colloquium 8th -9th July 2009, Lancaster University Management School.


حلقة نقاش حول تطبيق معايير المحاسبة والمراجعة الدولية (المزايا والمعوقات) 21 أبريل 2012، زليتن


المؤتمر الاول في عهد ثورة 17 فبراير حول تطوير مهنة المحاسبة و المراجعة في ليبيا ، تطوير بيئة العمل المحاسبة في ليبيا، 24 مارس 2012، فندق تيبساي - بنغازي


 المؤتمر الاقتصادي الليبي الاول بنغازي، الاقتصاد الليبي الواقع القائم والافاق المستقبلية، 24-26 مارس 2012 جامعة بنغاوي - بنغازي


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